Sunday, July 25, 2010

All the Dissertation Literature Reviewed Must Be Relevant

It is also important to get into the habit at an early stage of always ensuring that you have an up-to-date back-up of your work.

The dissertation literature review should start with the research question, to which all the literature reviewed must be relevant, and it should explain die relevance of the topic to practice4. The process of searching must be undertaken systematically'"' and should provide a comprehensive overview and summary about what is known about the research area. This need for the review to be comprehensive is in order to expose any different viewpoints about the research topic.

The review should include primary data arising from quantitative and qualitative studies and the reviews of these papers, as well as information arising from non-research papers, e.g., editorials, letters to the editor, discussion documents, commissioned research reports, government documents, as appropriate5. It is worth remembering, therefore, that dissertation literature reviews need not exclusively report only on research -based publications.


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