Saturday, July 17, 2010

Number of Stories

The natural interest of researchers and designers is to study the dynamic response of multistory buildings. The interest on these buildings is due to their use for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. These buildings must be designed to withstand the design spectrum accepted by the building code applicable to the site.

When the Earthquake Engineering started its development as a scientific discipline, arguably in the 1950's, the solution of the mathematical model of multistory buildings was impractical. Researchers had to use numerical methods to solve the ordinary differential equations derived for the dynamic system, excited by an earthquake time-history. Despite that linear behavior of the models was assumed, the amount of computational work required to solve the numerical problem was huge.

Thus, researchers had to limit their studies to one story buildings. The one story models were simple versions of realistic buildings. Usually, complete plane frames of the building had to be modeled with a single shear beam (SB) element, and the layout of frames reduced to four elements, two on each orthogonal direction.

Another reason to study one story buildings was to start learning from these simpler cases, to move later to more complex cases (multistory buildings). Since that time, one story models have been studied by different researchers. At the beginning, the technological conditions forced researchers to use one story models, but in more recent times, when the technological conditions have changed radically, disappearing many restrictions, the continuing use of these simple models is harder to justify.

As early as 1969, Anderson and Bertero worked with multistory steel frames (1999) to observe their seismic behavior, when the frames can develop strong column-weak beam plastic mechanisms. They did not study the torsional response of the building. To the best knowledge of the author, there are scarce studies of torsional response of multistory buildings done from the 1960's to the present time. Some studies were done considering elastic behavior of the building. Dissertation Literature Review


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